We finally finished our new website! It has been the main summer project and it is up and ready for you to check out! We will still be adding a few things here and there but it is a good start. You can now easily place weekly orders, view recipes, and check out what is happening on the farm. We will also be putting some videos up soon! Take a look around and tell us what you think.
All of the animals are doing well in all of this heat and rain. The turkeys have been foraging on green grass and growing fast! So has Toby; he is close to 80 pounds now at less than 6 months and is sweet as ever.
The grass keeps growing and growing and we keep a mowing. Fences still need to be mended and a few other things need to be repaired before we speed up again.
We are also working on some new products to offer such as lard soap, feather earrings, and hides. Stay tuned for updates on these fun extras!
We hope you all are having a wonderful summer. Please visit our website if you would like to place an order. Thank you for supporting our little farmstead!